DogeRAT malware

A new malware for Android phones called DogeRAT has been discovered, which aims primarily to steal bank passwords and users' money.

DogeRAT malware adds to the list of threats that affect Android phones on a recurring basis. Its spread is difficult to detect due to the ways in which it is transmitted. This malware has been found in modified versions of streaming apps, social networks, browsers and even in the official ChatGPT app for iPhone.

The way to avoid becoming a DogeRAT victim is by downloading applications only from official sources. Unofficial versions of popular apps, such as YouTube or Netflix, are often scams created by cybercriminals with the aim of infecting devices and stealing personal information, including bank details.

DogeRAT has the ability to access all Android phone information including calls, voice recordings, SMS, photos, videos and passwords. Therefore, it is crucial to take precautions and be cautious when downloading applications, even if the source seems reliable.

The presence of infected applications is not new, but it becomes increasingly difficult to detect them before falling into their traps. It is important to be cautious and stay alert to protect the security of Android devices.


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