Remove thousands of songs generated by AI

The music world is experiencing growing concern over the invasion of artificial intelligence (AI) in the industry. A few years ago, it seemed unthinkable that AI could create art, but now it has become a threat to the artistic and creative world. Record labels, such as Universal Music Group (UMG), have taken steps to protect their copyrights and have sent letters to streaming platforms such as Apple Music and Spotify demanding the removal of songs generated by IA for copyright infringement.

In response to these requests, Spotify has removed thousands of songs created using AI from its platform. However, the reason is not directly for copyright reasons, but for the use of artificial streaming. These deleted songs were generated by an AI software developed by Boomy, a company that allows users to create songs by mixing different musical styles. Users have created around 14.5 million songs with this software and uploaded them to Spotify.

Artificial streaming refers to the continuous playback of songs without anyone hearing them, with the aim of increasing the number of plays and ascending in the charts. This practice has even led to the existence of companies that charge for artificially increasing reproductions of any subject. Although Spotify has taken measures against artificial streaming, it has not necessarily been in response to the demands of record labels, but by detecting this practice in songs generated by Boomy.

The world of music is at a crossroads with the growing presence of AI in musical creation. Now, anyone can use AI to mix voices and styles from famous artists and create viral songs in a matter of hours. This raises deeper implications than the simple subject of copyright and questions the value of talent, training and dedication in the music world. The elimination of thousands of AI-generated songs on Spotify is just the beginning of the challenges the industry faces in this new era of AI-driven music.


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